Students question Dress Code, enforcement as semester continues


Brenden Lowery, Staff

Over the decades, the dress code has been a recurring issue at MV, and it continues to affect students. Many are unhappy with the rules being enforced for 2021-22.

Student dress should be “clean, neat and appropriate to the school situation,” according to the MVTHS Student and Parent Handbook.  Other areas such as baggy pants, length of shorts and midriff coverage are also mentioned.  In particular, “all shirts, tops, and dresses must have sleeves and should cover the shoulders,” according to the Handbook. (The complete Dress Code Policy may be located on page 17 of the MVTHS Student and Parent Handbook)

“That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to affect their Safety and Happiness.”

This was written in our Constitution and should hold true even to the smallest forms of rules and government.

“I have been affected by the dress code [and have] seen many other girls affected by it every day,” said Afton Buchanan,’22. “It’s terrible.”

She is not the only student who believes that there is room for improvement. Many other students have filed a form of complaint.

Gabriel Scrivner, ’22, said “I personally have not been affected by the dress code. But I feel like some of the restrictions are a bit dumb.”

Students who are not even affected by the dress code can admit that there are flaws to the system. One even stated “Being a male, I have not been affected or even called into question the dress policy at MVTHS. The policy itself is regarded by many as discriminatory, sexist, and just plain dumb.

Some teachers support it, while others oppose it. There should be a dress code; however, it must be effective,” said Caleb Belmont, ’22. “Inappropriate dress is inherently distracting for the learning environment.”

Students agree on the part where the dress code is regarded as sexist.

“Most of the dress code is aimed towards girls ‘showing too much.’ Even though I see guys wearing cut offs all the time and not being told to cover up,” said Madison Hood, ’22.

“[I] believe it is too strict and slightly sexist,” said Anna Kosierkiewicz,’22.

Others have also stated their belief that the dress code is sexist, in addition to Buchanan, and Fisher.

With all these complaints most would assume that the whole school is affected by the dress code, yet that’s not the case.

In a Google survey conducted by this writer at MV asking students if they were personally affected by the dress code, 79 students out of 138 said they were affected by the dress code, while 59 said they were not, or 57% affected and 43% not

MV’s dress code has some rules which are implemented more than others.

It is more likely someone is going to be told to take off their hat compared to someone being told that their shirt is not long enough or something more major.