Marching Rams are Transitioning to Pep


Madison Price and Victoria Bocock

“We are the bridge from what’s going on in the game and we are the hand reaching out from the stands,” shared Mr. David Mateyka, MV Band Director.

MV band serves as both a marching band during football season as well as a pep band during basketball season. 

Mr. Mateyka stated, “That the atmosphere at football games and basketball games is different.”

Members of the band, along with Mateyka, have noticed at football games, that the band gives the Khaos Cage more energy which then transfers to the rest of the crowd, though when it comes to pep band, the band gives off more of the energy to the game as a whole, due to the fact that it is a smaller space so the crowd can better hear the tunes.

Carter Hertenstein, ‘25, shared with us a little bit about how practices look for the band.

“So much effort goes into our performances at everything,” said Hertenstein. “We practice every single day for concerts and hit the sports season music hard.”

Hertenstein commented on how much work and physical strength it takes for the actual marching portion of marching band season.

Jaden Nichols, ‘24, shared their thoughts as well on marching band and the benefits the band gains from the hard work.

Nichols said, “I think marching band is more beneficial than pep band. You march and learn music at the same time and it’s beneficial to your mind and body.”

The time of year has come upon us when the school is switching gears from football to basketball, which means the band is preparing and is now transitioning from performing as a marching band to now performing as a pep band. 

Olivia Van Kampen, ‘26, stated, “I loved being able to play more over the summer and in the fall;I was happy everybody was friendly. I’m excited for the pep band because I get to play with everybody more.”

Van Kampen added, “Mr. Mateyka is the best. I am going to do marching band for the rest of high school.”

The band spends the football season playing in front of the Khaos Cage in the football stands and they also play in the stands at the basketball games, though during football games they also perform a marching band show on the football field during halftime.

So what is the show stopper for the band during basketball season?

“For basketball games, we play just as much, even during halftime, we just don’t go out on the field to put on a show,” answered Jackson Snodsmith, ‘23.

Snodmith continued, “The band’s main job is to support whatever team we are there for.”

The band is waiting in anticipation, due to the new marching band uniforms being completed very soon.

Sawyer Overstreet, ‘25, stated, “We have had the same uniforms since some of our parents went here, so I think that the new look will add new excitement.”

To put that into a little bit better of a perspective, Hentenstein also added,“The reason they are such a big deal is that the band has not had new ones since 1993.”

Mr. Mateyka disclosed very little about the new uniforms

“The new marching band uniforms are going to bring the Marching Rams into the modern era. Not only will the uniforms represent the school and town, but they will show every place we visit that we mean business,” Mr. Mateyka added.

We are going to have to wait for more information on the uniforms, though Mr. Mateyka had one final comment, “What I can tell you is that the new uniforms will absolutely blow everybody away.”