A family affair

Clint Turner shares love of teaching, coaching with sons Trace and Crayton at MVTHS

Blaze Baird, Staff

Whether for sports or education, if anyone has attended MV over the last 30 years, most likely they have probably heard the last name “Turner.”

This year, Mr. Trace Turner joined his father, Mr. Clint Turner and brother Mr. Crayton Turner as a new MV faculty member.

Was this planned?

Crayton said, “When I was in college yes coming back to MVTHS was my goal.”

“Yes and no. From the time I graduated in 2012, I have always wanted to come back and teach at MVTHS. It is my hometown and it’s the only place I want to live and teach,” Trace said.

Clint “No, [it was] not planned, but definitely discussed many times at the dinner table.”

For the last thirty years, Clint has made a name for himself as MV track coach, and Driver’s Ed and PE educator, but what does the last name mean to them?

Crayton said “I take a lot of pride in my family. I am very fortunate to have many people in my life that influenced me to be a hard worker and care about what you do for a living.”

Crayton and Trace weren’t only influenced by their father in the education field.  They also were influenced by their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Walters.

For Trace, it means “school pride, hard work, professionalism, and attention to detail. I learned that from my whole family. It started with my mom’s dad, (Mr. Alex Walters) who started teaching Auto Shop at MVTHS in the 1960s. My grandmother (Mrs. Judy Walters) was a Librarian at Casey [Middle School also],” Trace said.

“My mom and dad have also always been role models to me of how to do the job right.  I am blessed to be a part of my family. I have many good examples. A lot of folks don’t have that,” Trace added.

What made them want to become a teacher?

Clint answered, “I loved sports and PE in school.  I had a great high school teacher and coach [in Coach Sonny Ellis]. He was always having fun and truly seemed to enjoy what he did.”

Crayton stated, “My biggest influence was my dad, and seeing how he enjoyed coaching and teaching every day, it made me want that as well.”

Trace added “[Teaching is] the best job in the world. I had excellent teachers who helped show me that.”

All three Turner men are graduates of MVTHS.  Clint Turner graduated in 1985, while Trace Turner graduated in 2012.  Crayton Turner graduated in 2014.

Clint has already made a name for himself, and now it’s time for Crayton and Trace too.  What do the Turners hope students will get from taking their classes?

Crayton hopes in the future that “When a student thinks about my class or teams, they remember that they enjoyed it and they got better not only academically but as a person.”

Trace said, “I hope students leave MVTHS with a sense of pride in their school.”

Trace added how coaching track and cross country at MV feels “I feel grateful. Our whole coaching staff is committed to making the ‘Running Rams’ a great program. Every coach [has] bought in, committed to professionalism, and wants what is best for the kids. We are all alumni of
MVTHS track and field.,” Trace said.

“Most of all I am proud of our team’s work ethic and organization, from coaches to athletes, we want to win and we want to win the right way,” Trace added.

For years to come, the Turner name will remain at MV and its legacy will continue.