Drama Club Sheds Light on Operetta

Mrs. Raquel Maxey will driect her first MV operetta: Chicago

Jacque Wilson

MV’s 80th annual Operetta has been decided.  The Operetta for the 2021-22 school year will be Chicago.  

“We were looking for something that was full of energy and sizzle, just like this year’s performers. We needed something with some standout female leads because our talent is off the charts. This show checked all of those boxes.  I wanted to do something phenomenal for my first show,” stated Ms. Raquel Maxey, first-year Operetta Director.  

Chicago is one of Ms. Maxey’s favorite shows.

“I love that the show takes place exactly 100 years ago, in my favorite time period, and revolves around themes that still matter today such as gossip and our emotions getting the best of us,” the Director revealed.

Ava Barker, ‘22, shared, “The show is going to be like no other show in MV history.  It’s thrilling, exciting, and has a lot of really fun numbers!”

The show covers the lives of Roxy Hart and Velma Kelley as they seek fame and fortune in the setting of 1920s Chicago, Illinois.  While manipulating the corrupt legal system, they are being tried for murder.

With such an intricate show, a lot of work is necessary, both on stage and behind.

“We have a great production staff, crew, and actors who are all working so hard on this show.  It will be a great experience for everyone,” stated Daven Ort, ‘22.

Mr. Ryan Holden, science, who is assisting with the show, agreed.  

“We have one of the most hard-working, inclusive, and kind groups at MVTHS. These students have spent over a hundred hours so far preparing for Chicago and I know that they are jazzed to show the school and community what they’ve been working on,” Mr. Holden remarked.

With the COVID-19 pandemic, this will be MV’s first live musical performance in a while.

“I’m really excited to feel the buzz of the audience this year and hear an auditorium full of applause and laughter,” stated Mr. Holden.

Aside from a live audience, there is more to look forward to.

“I was so thrilled to design the sets this year.  I think they are going to be something special,” stated Ms. Maxey.

For seniors, this will be their last operetta performance with the MV Drama Club.

“The drama program at MV has always been really special to me.  I have met some of my very best friends through this program and have learned so much from my teachers and directors.  It will be hard to say goodbye for one last time but I am so excited to see the program grow with all of the talent the underclassmen have,” shared Barker.

The Operetta will be performed Thursday through Saturday, March 10-12 in the Schweinfurth Theatre.  Doors will open at 6:30.

If students are interested in joining theatre, the is always room for more, from stage crew to performers.

Mr. Holden stated, “There is always room for more students, and it is never too late!  Feel free to reach out to any of the production staff here on campus. Raquel Maxey, Chelci Holden, and/or I would love to talk to you about your future involvement. Please come see us!”