Welcome Back MV!

September 23, 2022
August 15, 2022, marked the return of MV’s student body along with the debut of new freshmen and transferred students. The welcoming energy of MV filled the hallways as students saw familiar faces of their friends and teachers.
The new Class of ‘26 have the inevitable nervous mindset of the first day.
Truman Carnine, ‘26, expressed, “[I felt] nervous and excited.”
After calculating their responses, 80% of interviewed freshmen also mentioned their nerves heading into the new learning environment.
What are some freshmen expectations on coming into MV, and how accurate are they to how high school has been so far for them.
Daphne McGhee, ‘26, answered, “Absolutely not! [MV has been] way better, easier, and friendlier than what books and movies paint [high school] to be.”
“My expectations were high and I feel it has been what I imagined it to be like,” mentioned Paislee Connaway, ‘26.
Seems even with their nerves, Class of ‘26 have found that MV life can be great with good attitude and especially involvement. Freshmen were asked about what all they planned to do in extracurriculars and sports.
Isabella Stanford, ‘26, mentioned that she will be participating in “…volleyball, student council, Rockin Rams, and possibly FBLA.”
“Tennis, FBLA, and scholar bowl…” are the extracurriculars Carnine will be committing to.
Besides the new Class of ‘26, returning sophomores are eager and more ready than ever before. Members of the Class of ‘25 were interviewed about their thoughts going into their second year at MV.
Hazel Vanderlinden answered, “It doesn’t feel like we are really sophomores. It’s more like we are slightly more confident freshmen.”
According to many MV sophomores, high school life hasn’t changed too much as it was as freshmen. In contrast, the feelings of the Class of ‘24 differ from each other as they shared their feelings being upperclassmen now.
Wade Pierce, ‘24, answered, “Feels absolutely fantastic!”
“It doesn’t feel real to have already been through half of my high school years”, junior Kaitlyn Jackson expressed.
The feeling of growing can be described as surreal with its numerous amount of emotions.
Drew Wheeler, ‘24, mentioned, “Being an upperclassman has felt the same as the past two years but I’m taller than a lot more people now.”
Kylie Poole, junior, added, “Just a new struggle of juggling more complicated classes.”
These fresh juniors have gotten to learn a lot about the MV environment and themselves. In return, they have prepared themselves to take on the challenging junior year and move closer towards graduation.
Speaking of moving towards graduation, MV seniors are bound to have many emotions coming into their final year in high school. Members of the Class of ‘23 were asked how they feel moving towards the end of their time at MV.
Sydney Lalumondier stated, “It feels bittersweet. I love being a Ram.”
SayJe Taylor added, “ It’s crazy how high school flew by. I’m excited to start the year and make it a great one.”
MV’s experienced upperclassmen expressed how amazing yet crazy the feeling is, some even said it’s indescribable.
Jackson Snodsmith mentioned he felt “… excited, yet unsure of what the next year has in store.”
“A little insane and kind of surreal,” expressed Jayden Goodwin.
Even though the end is near for them, the Class of ‘23 is not done yet. Seniors added their goals for the year.
Kush Patel answered, “Make the best of my last year as a Ram.”
Taylor added, “[I would like] to just cherish my senior year and make it the best it can be.”
Through their years at MV, the Class of ‘23 have grown to learn much about the environment. Seniors shared their most valuable tips for incoming freshmen.
Snodsmith shared, “Don’t dig yourself into a hole. Stay strong and do your work.”
Kha’Mia Oats added, “My advice to freshmen would be to get involved in school activities, never miss an assignment, and BE YOURSELF!”