MV hosts annual Freshman Orientation on April 28
May 16, 2023
On Friday, April 28, eighth graders from Casey Middle School and the county schools visited MV for a tour and testing session. Some seniors were paired with freshmen and gave the tour to them.
Mr. Ryan Maurer, Freshman Academy Principal, and Ms. Rachel Melvin, Freshman Academy Administration Secretary, organized the Freshman Orientation activities.
Mr. Maurer said, “The purpose of Freshman orientation is to give the eighth grade students an opportunity to experience our campus during the school day. They begin to learn their way around campus by walking the halls, visiting certain classrooms in D and G wing, experiencing transition time, and getting to know specific locations on campus that they will use next year.”
Ms. Melvin added, “We bring the students on for MAP testing and tours of the school. They are also able to talk to current students about what types of clubs and activities that will be available to them.”
The activities that went on during the day helped the students that came learn more about MV.
Mr. Maurer stated, “ MVTHS students are providing tours to students, county school eighth graders are MAP testing, and clubs and sports have members stationed at tables in the main gym to give incoming freshmen. Eighth grade students are also provided lunch in the gym after tours and testing.”
Ms. Melvin said, “The county school eighth graders do MAP testing. Casey Junior High did their testing at their school. Each school will get a tour of the school so they can get a feel of where classes and rooms are. They eat lunch and walk around to see what type of clubs and activities we offer.”
The seniors were the main tour guides and were selected by Mr. Maurer and Ms. Melvin because they thought that they had good leadership skills and could handle a crowd of students.
Mr. Maurer added, “ Seniors were selected for their strong personalities, knowledge of the students in their tour group, and leadership ability.”
“We decided on seniors this year because they have the most experience and can give more details and information. They were picked based on the role models that they are and their current academics,” stated Ms. Melvin.
The eighth grade teachers helped control their group of students as well. They did that so then there would not be so much pressure on the senior and freshman assigned to their group.
“Eighth grade teachers are there to help monitor their students during testing and tours because we do not know student’s questions, correct behaviors, and keep the groups together as they move around campus,” commented Mr. Maurer.
Ms. Melvin stated, “The teachers are in charge of their class that they bring. They make sure the students stay in their groups and get any information they need.”
At the close of their session, 8th grade were asked to return to the theater at MV so Mr. Maurer could ask them questions or have them tell everyone about their experience.
Mr. Maurer said, “After tours are finished, the students will meet back in the theater to recap the day. Students will have the opportunity to ask and answer questions before they leave.
“The eighth graders will get to talk around the gym to different clubs and activities and talk to current students about the ones that interest them,” Ms. Melvin continued.
Both Mr. Maurer and Ms. Melvin felt that day went well overall.
Mr. Maurer added, “Freshman orientation is a great opportunity for MVTHS students to get involved in leading tours and talking to incoming freshmen about all of the many we have to offer.”
“There is a lot of work that goes into planning this day for them. Mrs. Watts, Mr. Maurer, and myself put a lot of time and planning into making it a successful day for all,” Ms. Melvin added.