Why choose The Vernois News?

The Editorial Board

As the 22-23 school year comes to an end, our staff wants to promote our organization to all interested students. From incoming freshmen to the class of ‘24, everyone is welcome to join this student-led press and let your stories be heard.

In Vernois News, students get the opportunity to represent the school in a unique way. Getting to write stories on whatever issue students feel needs publicity and being able to publish them to the school brings joy and empowerment to our staff. From stories of different school organizations to even cafeteria food, students can report on many MV-related campus events. Another great part of our staff is opinion writing. Getting one’s voice heard and sharing on whatever topic they are passionate about is a great opportunity open to any MV student.

As a part of the VN staff, students witness the behind-the-scenes part of our school when they go out to report on various topics. VN staff gets to meet all sorts of people around campus and step out of their comfort zone as they interview students and staff. Friendships are also made as working on stories and monthly prints with fellow staff members is an inevitable part of our organization. 

Being able to be brought into this school through the news staff brings these great experiences along with it, so why wait to join the fun? Become part of the Vernois News team!