As 2023-24 commences, both students and staff may have observed certain modifications within the MVTHS student and Parent Handbook.
New regulations and rules have been included in this edition of the handbook.
Mr. Rowdy Fatheree, principal, explained, “Just like any new rules, there’s always anxiety, we try to alleviate the anxiety by explaining the positives of the new rules.”
Mr. David Kassner, board member, added, “The new rules in the handbook were written by the Handbook Committee, which consisted of teachers, administrators, and a Board of Education member. Once the committee narrowed down to the most important ones, the new rules were sent to the Board of Education for approval. These rules will help provide a safe learning environment for all students.”
Some of the new handbook rules consist of the following;
Students may only carry the school approved bag during the school day and their chrome book case; all other items must be placed in a locker.
Due to substance abuse and school safety, students who refuse a search of their lockers, personal items, personal self, or vehicles may be subject to a 10 day Out of School Suspension or possible Expulsion.
More than one student in a restroom stall will result in disciplinary action.
Students may only carry the school approved bag during the school day and their chrome book case; all other items must be placed in a locker.
All students will take semester exams, with no weighted exam policy. No exemptions will be allowed.
Students are allowed to make up three credits in credit recovery per semester, unless Administrative approval has been given for more.
Added Modification of Athletic or Team Uniform Students may modify their athletic or team uniform for the purpose of modesty in clothing or attire that is in accordance with the requirements of the student’s religion or the student’s cultural values or modesty preferences. Also, an updated tardy penalty was added.
The new rules evoke varying viewpoints among students and staff.
Mrs. Courtney Mays, math, stated, “I feel the changes in the handbook were made based upon feedback the district received from the various stakeholders…parents, faculty, staff, etc. and were made to address any concerns that have arisen in the past few years. I believe that all these changes were made in the best interests of everyone involved and should be viewed as such.”
“I think some rules in the handbook are better than others. I don’t know why two or more people would be allowed in a bathroom stall in the first place, but I also think that the bags we are allowed to carry are subpar,” said Olivia VanKampen, ‘26.
Taylor Easton, ‘26, stated, “I think the general idea for these new rules is a good idea considering some of the things that have been happening throughout the school.”
Despite the contrasting feedback from students and staff, the administration asserts that these new rules will bring about positive advantages for MV.
Mr. Fatheree added, “The bags increase the efficiency for the metal detector in mornings, [meaning we can] get a larger number of student through.”
Mr. Michael Koehnke, Assistant Principal/Attendance Office, stated, “If we have reasonable suspicion someone has tobacco, [we’ll] try to discourage that from happening, [and] talk to parents.”
Mr. Koehnke added, “For school safety, if someone left with something on them, [we] don’t want them coming back with it.”
“I think they do create more consistency in the way that certain policies are applied. It will make them easier to understand and enforce,” said Mrs. Marcy Edwards, Russian and keyboarding.
Most individuals will find dealing with change to be challenging.
VanKampen noted, “I am worried about having to take semester exams. They could ruin my grade if I do badly on them, but thankfully they aren’t weighted. I feel that having the exams not weighted makes them less stressful.”
“I hope everyone was relieved to find out the semester exam is no longer weighted. I have had many students over the years stress and stress over the semester exam in my class because of the devastating effects it can have one one’s grade. It is also nice to not have to worry about answering the “Do I have to take your exam?” question a hundred times near the end of the semester. YOU get an exam. YOU get an exam. YOU get an exam! It’s like I’m Oprah Winfrey! EVERYBODY gets an exam!” said Mrs. Mays.
Mrs. Edwards stated, “I think that the biggest cultural change will be having everyone take exams. The way that both students and teachers will approach the end of the semester is going to be very different.”
The change of regulations regarding the semester exam has generated significant discussion at MV.
Easton explained, “The rules that I don’t agree with [are] the backpack policy, they may as well let us carry around our own bags, and the “no exemption” from semester exams if you’re passing your classes I don’t think it should matter.”
Mr. Fatheree stated, “Returning seniors wish they didn’t exempt themselves from the finals, [claiming they were] not as prepared as they could’ve been.”
Mr. Koehnke explained that his reasoning for wanting to update the semester exams policy was to, “[Try to make sure students are] more prepared for their next journey in education, though exams.” and, “[The exams] prepare students for after high school.”
Mr. David Kassner, Board of Education member, stated that, “The new exam rule is to prepare students for future testing, whether it is in college exams, certification in most areas in the trades, or in vocational schools.”
An additional change to the rules that has sparked conversation relates to the adjustment in backpack rules.
Mrs. Mays commented, “I choose to believe these changes will have a positive effect on our lives here at MVTHS, and that covers everyone involved in our district. I see too many violent crimes happening in schools. And, I know the school-issued bags will not stop every possible negative scenario that may happen in our district. But, I feel that they WILL help faculty and staff in keeping our students safe.”
“We looked at a couple of different options that were durable and affordable,” stated Mr. Fatheree.
Mr. Koehnke said, “Rules are constantly changing, [we must] try something different to make things better.”
Nevertheless, the question of whether students will adhere to the rules remains a potential outcome.
Easton stated, “I think these new rules will cause more trouble for the staff, a lot of students will still manage to find loop holes in these rules or just don’t care enough to follow them.”
“Students are responsible for following all rules in the Student Handbook. It is up to the administrators
and teachers to see that the rules are followed,” mentioned Mr. Kassner.
Administration disclosed that in regards to the new regulated backpacks, they decided to support a local company named Wilford Printing, to manage all bag-related matters.
Mrs. Edwards stated, “This is a good time for everyone to practice being flexible. I’m glad to see that so far the students have been doing that very well.”
VanKampen added, “I think it is awesome that people who do sports can modify their uniforms if they don’t feel that they are properly modist. Some of the uniforms are slightly more revealing than some people would be comfortable with, and that’s okay.”
Despite the various changes at MV, our spirit will remain unbroken.
“It takes everyone to ensure the school is safe,” stated Mr. Koehnke.
Mr. Fatheree added, “We’ll be firm, fair, and consistent, we have invested a large amount of time in educating students and staff. With staff training, and student assemblies, to ensure we’re all on the same page.”