MV Student Council produced another successful Homecoming spirit week on October 2nd-6th. Students of all grade levels showed off their ram pride. We interviewed some students to see what their favorite spirit day was, and they had a variety of answers. The spirit days included Homecoming T-shirt Day, White-out/Toga Day, Greece vs Grease, Greek Life (Sorority/Frat) Day, and Ram Pride Day on Friday.
Trey Mygatt ’24 said, “My favorite spirit day was Greece vs Grease because it was vague and gave kids the freedom to dress as they wanted to. Who doesn’t love wearing a toga?” Sawyer Lusby ‘25 stated, “ My favorite day was Ram Pride because there was a lot of participation.”
From night events, like Powder Puff, to the big Pep Rally, the week buzzed with excitement. The pep rally went smoothly with games such as Crown the King, Human Ring Toss, and the Chariot Race. Among Pep Rally games, reactions varied. Brayden Kroeschen, ‘ 27 said, “ Blindfold Tag would be a great game to play.” Other students like Lusby, wouldn’t change a thing.
The Spirit Stick competition is always a big hit with the classes. While the Juniors have been dominating the game with their loud cheers, they didn’t step up this year. There was a lot of debate on if the Sophomores should have actually won. Mygatt said, “ The pep rally was good. Seniors have got to step it up. I don’t care who wins as long as it isn’t the Juniors, so Sophomores all the way.”
A big hit with not just students, but faculty as well, was the Powder Puff game. Clover Tinsley, ‘26 said, “I participated in the Powder Puff game. I thought this year was improved from the last. It is so much fun to watch my friends play.” While the Juniors are still the reigning champions, other classes did not get discouraged. Kroeschen said, “ I ran the scoreboard for the game, it was fun. I think the Sophomores should have won though.”
Most all described the spirit week as upbeat and exciting with the variety of spirit days and Pep Rally. From Freshman to Senior, the student body had a great time. Let’s hope to have another great HOCO week next year!