I hate November. It is cold and dark most of the time, and the clock returns to standard time. The month feels long and dragged out. I like to think that it is because of the anticipation of it getting closer to Christmas time. I know that most people start Christmas shopping in November, which is another reason I dislike the month so dear. Everyone gets needy when it comes to the topic of what they want for Christmas, especially at Thanksgiving dinner and grandma asks, “What do you want for Christmas?” The question just makes my ears bleed.
With the question comes all the little cousins shouting out the latest gadget or toy in their high-pitched needy voices. It makes me want to tell them what Christmas really is about, but when I try, they don’t even listen.
I also hate November because of politics. Luckily my family doesn’t have the issue of politics at Thanksgiving, but either way, it is still an issue that is insufferable. When election time rolls around, all the tv ads and commercials like to talk about politics and it is annoying. Especially this year, I’m hoping that the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade will not follow suit the trend of getting involved in politics.
I hate November, because of Black Friday. Have you ever heard of all the crazy stories about Black Friday? I have, and it’s just gruesome and immature the way these adults will fight over the last Tickle Me Elmo. The holidays just make people crazy. Another thing is I always tend to get sick during November because of weather change and it drives me crazy.
Along with it being a long month, I hate November because I often lose my motivation to get things done, such as this column. I tend to get more in my feelings as the weather changes and it’s not entirely my fault. This is a common phenomenon, because with additional gloominess, we don’t get as much sun, and the sun produces vitamin D, which increases dopamine levels. If you don’t know, dopamine is a chemical the brain releases when one feels happy. Without that little extra sunlight we tend to get more in our feelings.
I haven’t found the solution to this problem; my voice is never often heard. I’m hoping to just stick it out for the month and hope that it will be December soon. Resolution to my hatred for November may not be found, but may peace find me.