My love of books first started when I was in fifth grade. But before this, I didn’t read as much as I should, or even the spark of passion, the faintest idea of what books I would enjoy. The one who would help me find this passion is my fifth-grade teacher, Mrs. Nevin. One morning, as we were about to start class, she announced that she had a new book called The Lightning Thief. At first, I ignored it, thinking it was just another impertinent book. Luckily, my teacher influenced me to try it out. I was instantly entranced as soon as I read the first few chapters. After school, I just lay on the couch and read all day. After I was done with the book, I thought that my passion for reading would falter. Fortunately, I asked my teacher if there was anything similar and she told me that the book I read was a series! I was so overjoyed that I immediately found that book and started reading. After I read that series, there was another then another series that was in that same world. I even expanded my taste in reading to other genres like nonfiction and fantasy. I loved learning and branching into new ideas I would never have perceived if I hadn’t read. Gaining knowledge from reading also helped me in school, allowing me to get good grades and enjoy school. In 2020, my family moved to Mount Vernon during the Covid-19 pandemic. At that time, I wasn’t reading as much so I didn’t feel as happy doing things. My grades were slipping and I did not enjoy school as I did. If I had read more during that time, I would have felt a lot happier.
Now, as I am writing this, I have rekindled my love for reading. Four long years it is been since I have been reading. I now have a large bookshelf full of books I have read and my collection is still expanding. My grades are now as amazing as ever and I am now loving to learn again. Finally, I realized that the whole point of why I feel happy isn’t just of the book, it is because I am being myself. Remember, even when things are bad, be yourself… never lose who you are.