Kamaree Pollard, a senior in her final season as a Lady Ram, posted 30 points against Marion on January 25.
“I think that I have grown a lot since the beginning of my season. I started the year off really great but I got stronger in many areas of my game, and I have been great. Hope to finish out the year harder and stronger each day,” shared Pollard
Pollard has played basketball throughout her high school career, at MV.
She hopes to continue beyond that.
“I hope to play in college and if I have the opportunity to play in the WNBA, I will take the chance,” said Pollard.
Through the years one can learn many lessons, but when it comes to basketball one can learn more than they think.
“Basketball has taught me how to be more disciplined, work with others, and have a strong work ethic. Failure is a part of the game, if you are afraid to fail, you’ll never win,” stated Pollard.
Basketball can also bring people together more and make it more like a family.
“The bond I share with my teammates is unimaginable. I see these girls as my sisters and obviously, I’m the oldest. I love to joke with them, but overall make sure they become their better self. I love my teammates,” emphasized Pollard.
Some days are more challenging than others, which could offset one’s confidence.
So how does Pollard do it?
“We played Vienna High School in a tournament and it seemed like everything was against us, but I handled it by keeping my teammates happy and cheering them on to win the game,” shared Pollard.
Just as Navante Nesbit hit his 1000 points last season, in a game against Centralia resulting in a win, Pollard hit her mark 1000 too.
She mentioned that hitting 1000 points the same night of the Benton Holiday Tournament was the most memorable moment in her basketball career.
Pollard will be missed at MV when she graduates, as she make a big impact on our Lady Rams basketball team.
“Senior year holds to me that this will be my last time ever doing something in this high school or in life. It also shows me that it will be the last time fully you’ll see your friends,” commented Pollard.
Some advice Pollard shared is, “It isn’t about the size of the dog in the fight, It’s about it’s the size of the fight in the dog. Never let anyone tell you that you can’t do something. Be yourself and show them that you can”