One thing that I want as someone who enjoys so many different genres of music is a recap to see all of the genres I experienced over the years.
With Spotify Wrapped, it’s now possible to see everything, listeners can see exactly how many minutes they listened, who they listened to, their top artists, top songs, and several other features.
”My favorite part of Spotify Wrapped is knowing how many artists I’ve listened to throughout the year,” stated Marlin Price, ‘25.
Spotify has gained some popularity with this new feature being added in, since it’s a great way to share music with friends.
One can also send their Spotify Wrapped to anyone at any time on just about any platform they can think of.
When the time comes around each year when everyone is getting their Spotify Wrapped, everyone wants to post it or show it to their friends.
”My top song of the year was Sneaking, By NBA Youngboy,” stated Price.
It is also a great marketing idea for Spotify, some people purchase a subscription just to see what all they’ve listened to in the past year.
All of these features are great, but by far, the one people get most excited about is being able to see all the genres they’ve experienced.
This is because most of the time, it catches listeners off guard, and they don’t even realize they’ve experienced some of these genres.
“One of my top genres that surprised me, definitely has to be R&B,” stated Cam Meyer, ‘25.
Many people are surprised by how much time they spend listening to music.
“I spent a total of 700 hours listening to music over the entirety of the year,” stated Cam Meyer, ‘25.
Overall Spotify Wrapped is a very nice feature they added to the app and will continue to gain popularity over the years just like it has for the past eight years from when it was created in December 2016.