When the director of Legally Blonde needed a cast addition, she knew exactly who to call: Mrs. Bliffen, “She messaged me and said, ‘Will you please be in this play?'” Bliffen recalled. “She knew me and my skill set. I think she was a little desperate, not to put it on me.”
Balancing her role with teaching sophomore English has been the most challenging. “There are only so many hours in a day,” Mrs. Bliffen said. “I drive over to Rend Lake, and rehearsal is 30 minutes and it’s done. I try to squeeze in 2-3 hours a day for Legally Blonde.”
Mrs. Bliffen is known for her outgoing stage personality and brings that talent to her role. “Whatever way I am on stage, I’m really extra. I’m really unique in that sense,” she said.
One of the most exciting parts of the production has been sharing the stage with her other actors, “My stepson is doing the show with me. It’s really cool to watch him do his first show while I’m doing my millionth,” she added. She believes working with former MV students has been interesting, as she said, “Now we’re on the same footing.”
Despite the experience, there is still a mix of nerves and excitement. “There is a mortification to being on stage,” Mrs. Bliffen admitted. “I am excited, but I am a little nervous about that.”
She offers simple advice for students interested in theatre: “Do it. Do it right now. Even if you’re considering doing it, do it. Join stage crew, write a script. Don’t wait cause it’s free. When you get out of high school and out of college, you have to audition,” Mrs. Bliffen added
As opening night approaches, the anticipation builds. Legally Blonde will run at Rend Lake on April 4, 5, and 6, “It’s gonna be a really good show,” Mrs. Bliffen promised.