MV students have been experiencing far more snowy weather this winter than in seasons past. With “bonus week” of E-Learning due to snow, and the recent snow resulting in some students being late, this is what our students have to say.
The first week back from break was one for the record book with over a foot of snow in some places, leaving the roads in dangerous conditions. This led to dangerous driving for most students.
Julia Jee ‘25 said, “My roads stayed the same the whole time, super slick. I actually almost slid into my neighbor’s driveway going to practice” Mrs. Todd also shared her experience saying “Our roads were awful and we didn’t have power on Monday.”
E-learning days were put into action so as to keep students off the dangerous roads. This came with a variety of opinions. Mazie Eilerts ‘25 shared her thoughts on the E-learning days stating, “I think it is a waste of time because we never do anything useful.”
On the other hand, Elias Mullinax, ‘25, shared the positives of E-Learning. “I like not having to wake up early and being able to do my assignment on my own time, as long as I check in by the end of the day.”
With such a long time off, not being able to meet and talk with classmates can have an effect on social life. Eilerts shared how it affected her relationship with her classmates “I did not leave my house for over a week and saw no one.” Eilerts stated.
With the extended break getting back into the rhythm of things can prove to be a challenge. In attempts to ease this transition, the first 2 days back were late start days which allowed students an extra 40 minutes to make the school trip. Julia Jee ‘25 expressed her opinion by sharing, “I am the biggest stan for starting school at 8:50 every day!”
There have since been multiple occasions where snow was a significant factor in the lives of students around the county. February 19 had snow resulting in the first snow day of the school year where students weren’t required to log onto Google Classroom to complete assignments.
Students were not the only ones affected by these days; teachers around the school adjusted assignments and activities that would comply with the new way of learning. Mr. David Edwards explains, “I tried to find activities that students could do without direct instructions.”
These new methods of teaching can sometimes be better than traditional learning, Mrs. Diane Todd shared what ways she hopes to incorporate E-learning aspects into everyday in-person learning saying she liked, “The pictures I received from some of my students.”