MV unveils new turf field

April 11, 2023
Since the completion of the new MV campus in 2016, many additions have been made to improve the atmosphere of the school. Examples of these additions range from the door wraps in the gym lobby organized by Student Council, to the retractable flag in Changnon gymnasium, to the murals painted in F lobby by former student Charu Jain.
The latest improvement at MV includes replacing the Ken Hunt Stadium field with turf. A substantial addition for the school, the turf field came in at around $1.2 million. The process started two years ago and after a lot of planning, fundraising, and community support, the vision became a reality.
The new multi-purpose field does more than offer an ugraded appearance. Yes, it does look great and displays school spirit in a dynamic way regular grass cannot, but it is actually quite functional. Turf offers many benefits such as less maintenance, stronger climate endurance, and accommodation for more sports. With the turf field, not only will football be observed at Kent Hunt Stadium, but it will be open to soccer matches and other community events as well.
Many observed a ribbon cutting in honor of the new turf Tuesday afternoon, March 28, 2023. The MV Marching Rams also performed, debuting their new uniforms. Major field project sponsors were also recognized at the ceremony, including Community First Bank, Peoples National Bank, Continental, Banterra Bank, SSM Health, and Deqconess.