Throughout my life, I have always had difficulty remembering, planning, and taking on responsibilities. This was a source of extreme frustration for those around me and caused me to feel a constant shortcoming.
The first time I can remember my lack of responsibility causing a negative outcome for me occurred in 2nd grade when I received my first B. This B was not for lack of effort or even B-average work. This B was made up entirely of late grades, as I frequently would do my homework on time, but fail to remember to turn it in on time.
This pattern continued throughout grade school and much of high school, and I often relied on those around me for reminders. My frustration with my scattered brain grew. I knew I could do so much better if I were just better organized.
Over the last year, however, I have experienced a huge jump in responsibility and subsequently a huge jump in self-fulfillment. I was always told senior year would be the easiest year of high school, but in my experience, with additional classes, college work, and FBLA officer responsibilities, it has been the most challenging, but because of the responsibility it has required, it has also been the most fulfilling.
Taking on CEO and advanced classes was a huge push in the right direction. I had been scared to take on too many responsibilities and time-consuming classes my junior year, so I settled for an easier schedule, but I found that I was still just getting by.
However, this year, I realized that whatever responsibilities I give myself are the responsibilities I will adapt to and a challenge I will rise to. This year I have raised the bar for myself, with a heavy load of schoolwork and many additional responsibilities outside of school. I have found myself at meetings with business professionals and managing correspondence with managers and company presidents, being immersed in real-world situations, with real impact, which I find to be the most rewarding part of these responsibilities.
The feeling of accomplishment I finish each day with makes me grateful that I chose to push myself this year. I encourage other students to do the same by taking classes and giving themselves extra responsibilities that challenge them, like joining CEO senior year or running for a chapter office position. I never thought I would find the fulfillment I do in taking on responsibilities, but it has pushed me to be mature and organized, and I am slowly becoming the responsible adult I aspire to be.
The Transformative Effect of Responsibility
McKenzie Hughes, Social Media Manager
December 19, 2024
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McKenzie Hughes, Social Media Manager
Hughes, a senior at MV, serves as Vernois News 2024-25 Social Media Manager, as well as being involved in FBLA, CEO, and Tennis. Outside of school, Hughes enjoys playing Tennis.